Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Labeling Casino Royale

There are some books out there that people have a hard time putting them into one specific genre. And, while I do believe a book cannot be placed into one, single genre, they all have the one general, non-specific genre it belongs too. They say Harry Potter is fantasy. Star Wars is science fiction. They all have the one obvious genre and there really isn’t anymore that they need to be. I think if you leave it to that one specific genre then that is ok. I think Twilight is a romance. Others say it’s a romantic drama or a paranormal romance or gothic romance. Why do we need all of those tags? It’s a romance. Why keep adding words at the beginning or end?
                That’s why I like James Bond novels. They have one distinct genre—espionage. James Bond novels practically invented espionage books. When people think espionage novels they think of James Bond. Casino Royale is one of the most classic examples of espionage. It’s a top secret, confidential, dangerous and risky spy mission. Some may argue that Casino Royale could be a romantic suspense novel because of Bond’s relationship with women but that isn’t the main point of the story. Its James Bond, the spy. 

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